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Manage your dotfiles across multiple diverse machines, securely.

The latest version of chezmoi is 2.52.4 (release notes, release history).

What does chezmoi do?

chezmoi helps you manage your personal configuration files (dotfiles, like ~/.gitconfig) across multiple machines.

chezmoi provides many features beyond symlinking or using a bare git repo including:

  • templates (to handle small differences between machines)
  • password manager support (to store your secrets securely)
  • importing files from archives (great for shell and editor plugins)
  • full file encryption (using gpg or age)
  • running scripts (to handle everything else)

With chezmoi, pronounced /ʃeɪ mwa/ (shay-mwa), you can install chezmoi and your dotfiles from your GitHub dotfiles repo on a new, empty machine with a single command:

$ sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --apply $GITHUB_USERNAME

As well as the curl | sh installation, you can install chezmoi with your favorite package manager.

Updating your dotfiles on any machine is a single command:

$ chezmoi update

chezmoi runs on all popular operating systems, is distributed as a single statically-linked binary with no dependencies, and does not require root access.

How do I start with chezmoi?

Install chezmoi then read the quick start guide. The user guide covers most common tasks. For a full description, consult the reference.

Should I use chezmoi?

See what other people think about chezmoi by reading articles, listening to podcasts, and watching videos about chezmoi. Read how chezmoi compares to other dotfile managers. Explore other people's dotfile repos that use chezmoi.

How do I get help using chezmoi?

chezmoi has extensive documentation. First, use the search bar at the top of this page using a few, short, and specific keywords related to your problem.

chezmoi is an open source project with tens of thousands of users, so it is very likely that someone else has already encountered and solved your problem. Search chezmoi's GitHub repo for issues and discussions with keywords related to your problem.

If your question is still unanswered, please open a GitHub issue for support.

I like chezmoi. How do I say thanks?

Please give chezmoi a star on GitHub.

Share chezmoi and, if you're happy to share your public dotfiles repo, then tag your repo with chezmoi.

Contributions are very welcome and every bug report, support request, and feature request helps make chezmoi better. Thank you :)

chezmoi does not accept financial contributions. Instead, please make a donation to a charity or cause of your choice.